Katie Wilson
BA, GCertREd, GDipEd, MREd
Inspired by Saint Mary MacKillop I am motivated by my belief that all students deserve a quality education. My mission therefore, is to ensure teachers inspire their students to love learning.
Working with pre-service, early career and experienced teachers, I confidently and compassionately guide my students (of all ages) to know their students, care about their learning journey and authentically use technology to ensure positive outcomes for all.
I enjoy faciliating projects in EC, Primary and Secondary classrooms that give initial teacher education students and the child-learners challenging and rewarding experiences.
As the Professional Experiences and Partnerships Coordinator for ACU, Queensland I now feel one-step closer to Mary MacKillop as I encourage and coordinate regional, rural and remote experiences for ACU students.
Areas of Interest: initial teacher education, curriculum & pedagogy development and implementation, future-focussed thinking and learning, authentic use of technologies, child psychology, sociological impact on education, regional, rural and remote teaching.